Strike The Blood Wiki
Strike The Blood Wiki

High God Forest (高神の杜(たかがみのもり) Takagami no mori) is a sub-division of the Lion King Organization. On the surface, it is a private girls' school for Shinto adherents. In reality, it is the Lion King Organization's training ground. Many Attack Mages in the Lion King Organization, such as Yukina and Sayaka, were trained here. It is located in the Kansai region of Japan,[1][2] although it is insinuated also that there may be other facilities located elsewhere.



High God Forest's training is rigorous, but they treat their wards as family, not resorting to inhuman methods. Most of their graduates enter comparatively mundane sorcerous investigative work. Only a tiny handful of their elites are exceptions, granted titles such as "Sword Shaman" and "Shamanic War Dancer."

